Jul 17, 2024

Jim McCabe's front 9 musings . . .

1 – Like reciting your scorecard

When reading off a long string of numbers, be it for credit card or membership ID purposes, you can always separate the golfers from the weirdos who don’t play the game. Golfers properly read off numbers three at a time.

2 – Nowhere man

There are people in the Witness Protection Program who have higher profiles these days than Phil Mickelson.

3 – Incurable, despite all the claims

At last count, we were up to 13,582 “sure fix” stories published in the last 10 years by golf magazines to help readers who slice.

4 – Let Joost play

Hugely disappointed in The Netherlands. Denying Joost Luiten a shot at the Paris Olympics is shameful. They wouldn’t have treated a dressage equestrian or track cyclist in such fashion.

5 – Admire the colors

It’s Open Championship time and here’s your yearly reminder that brown grass is beautiful . . .

6 – And the stage

. . . and links is the best golf.

7 – Connect the dots

Whenever I see Tiger Woods’ new logo – the skeleton of a tiger – it appears as if someone has connected the dots to form the outline and it’s free game to color the inside.

8 – Housekeeping tip

Some free advice: Every once in a while, remove all your clubs, zip up all the pockets on your golf bag (so nothing falls out), then tip your golf bag upside down. You’ll likely find the other half of that Kit Kat bar you thought your partner stole, a banana peel, several ball marks, a divot repair tool, maybe even a head cover.

9 – Who is he to talk?

Before Colin Montgomerie opines about Tiger Woods’ game, perhaps he should speak to Stephen “9-and-8” Ames?